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Virtual Seminar




Branes and Quantized Fields: Towards Quantum Gravity within Braneworld Scenarios
Matej Pavšič, Jožef Stefan Institute

In braneworld scenarios, spacetime is considered as a brane embedded in a higher-dimensional space. Quantization of the Dirac-Nambu-Goto (DNG) brane is a tough problem. We will show how to solve it by considering a brane as a "point-particle" in an infinite-dimensional brane space, whose metric is dynamical, just like in general relativity. Such a brane theory, amongst others, includes the flat brane space, whose metric is the infinite-dimensional analog of the Minkowski space metric. A brane living in the latter space, the so-called "flat brane", is like a bunch of non-interacting point particles. Quantization of the latter system leads to a system of non-interacting quantum fields. Interactions can be included if we consider a nontrivial metric in the space of fields. Then the effective classical brane is no longer flat. For a particular choice of metric in the field space, we obtain the DNG brane. Finally, the role of a generic multi-dimensional configuration space of matter and its relation to spacetime will be considered.

A recording will be made available soon.